Cold-Click® Blog

What is Cold-Click® Marketing?

Written by Kim Hoffman | July 21, 2020

Digital Marketing Designed for Our Changing Landscape of Business Communication

This is one of our most frequently asked questions. The answer is that Cold-Click® marketing is our specific marketing process that sets us apart from other digital marketing services, and brings you a steady stream of qualified leads.

Why Cold-Click®? Nearly everyone is familiar with the term cold-call as it refers to prospecting new clients “cold.” Meaning there isn’t an established relationship yet. You call them on the phone or physically visit them to get a sense of their interest in a business relationship. This “cold” method of sales and marketing is widely used in many industries—finance, accounting, real estate, insurance, mortgage brokers, software, food distribution, etc. Simply put, if there is a product or service to be sold, new accounts or clients need to be acquired to grow business. Our method of “cold” marketing uses digital platforms and is more aptly referred to as cold-click marketing. 

The Way We Do Business Has Changed

Our world has evolved dramatically since the dawn of the internet—especially since smartphones and social media were developed. We have all the information we need at our fingertips, and the world has become a much smaller place. Because of these societal changes, the need for in-person forms of communication has become less necessary. Remote work involving less travel has become more commonplace. 

How Will You Stand Out?

The rate that we consume information moves at a breakneck pace, and everyone has to keep up. We all receive notifications on our phones throughout the day for text messages, phone calls, voicemails, social media, and breaking news. Waiting for an in-person meeting just to make the first introduction isn’t good enough anymore. You need a way to compete with all of the noise and commotion of constant information consumption to get the attention of the potential prospects that really need your services. You need to stand out!

Social Media Marketing is Powerful!

Social media is an extremely valuable tool to reach a broad range of people. Our systematic method of marketing mainly utilizes LinkedIn to narrow down and target the specific geographic area and type of client you’re looking for. It’s an easy way to quickly start conversations and get a sense of a potential client’s level of interest. It’s also an unintimidating way for a potential client to passively show interest with a low level of commitment. Long story short, prospects don’t have to leave their comfort zones, and you’re far more likely to get a response with this type of marketing communication. 

With a broad method of digital communication that is easy for the recipient to respond to, you are far more likely to start conversations with your ideal client faster than with other traditional forms of prospecting. Since you are using direct messaging through social media, your messages will be received on the recipient’s smartphone, and your message will come across with a notification. It will not be buried in someone’s junk mail or be ignored as an unknown phone number. 

Are You Hitting A Dead End?

What are the common methods of prospecting that you’ve used in the past, and what results are they yielding? Their efficacy isn’t the only consideration with different types of marketing, but they can be very time-consuming and costly. 

  • Seminars
  • Referrals
  • Google Ads
  • Pay-per-click campaigns
  • Cold Calls
  • Direct Mailing
  • Networking

Our founder, Arthur Hoffman, has over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry as a financial advisor. He developed the Cold-Click® method of marketing because he tried the methods listed above with little to no results, even after shelling out thousands of dollars. Some of these traditional methods of marketing can still valuable, especially to establish your online presence as well as strengthening and maintaining client relationships, but there is a real need to adapt and evolve. 

Not only have in-person methods of communication become less necessary, in some situations they have become less effective. Fewer people answer phone calls from individuals they do not know. Attending a seminar requires a high level of commitment for a prospective client. Google Ads, pay per click, and direct mailing can be costly.

Cold-Click® Marketing, Defined

Definition: Using social and digital media platforms to actively and dynamically prospect a target market of potential customers. It uses automated outreach and interactive marketing software to create engagements, by direct messaging connections to introduce oneself, a product or services, in order to start conversations with potential customers.

We use our automated software to define your unique target market, request connections, then continuously market to them in an effort to get an indication of interest from your leads. Something that really sets us apart is our sentiment analysis. We are able to review messages received from your leads to see what their level of interest is. We mark them as a cold, warm, or hot lead, then let you know when it’s time for you to step in and introduce yourself.

Ultimately, closing the business is up to you. It’s important for you to get a feel for the potential client relationship and see if your specialized services are the right fit. We start the conversations and make sure we stay on top of every connection made to determine their level of interest. Even if no response is received, or if their initial response is no, we go back with follow-up campaigns at 45 and 90 days to see if their interest has changed. 

How will Cold-Click marketing benefit your business moving forward? Visit our services page to learn more about our marketing method, register for one of our upcoming webinars, or schedule an intro call with Arthur to find out more! We can help you evolve your marketing practices today.

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