Cold-Click® Blog

Q1 2022 New Year's Resolutions

Written by Kim Hoffman | January 3, 2022

January is the time to evaluate business performance from the previous year and strategize goals and plans for the upcoming year. How do you want to accomplish your goals for growth? Identify areas where your business strategy can improve, and develop a marketing plan with new ideas to unlock your business's potential. We have 10 suggested New Year's Resolutions to guide your strategy and start converting your prospects into clients. 

10 New Year's Marketing Resolutions:

  1. Paid Ad campaigns with a specific call to action, such as a blog post, webinar, or event. Drive prospects to your website and help them learn more about your services. 
  2. Post more often on Social media, and branch out on new platforms to broaden your reach. You are an expert in your field—talk about what you feel is important and necessary.
  3. Create a content calendar for blog posts and social media. Get organized. Be targeted and specific.
  4. Engage more with current connections and their posts/comments on social media. Being a connection is a two-way street. 
  5. Email campaigns for cold, warm, hot prospects and clients. Schedule everything out. Dates. Times. Platforms.
  6. Host more webinars and virtual events. This adds value to the services you offer to both clients and prospects alike. 
  7. Create a prospecting blueprint complete with message sequencing, calendaring, timelines, and responsibilities. Make sure everyone on your team knows their role.
  8. Call prospects directly who express interest on social media. (When you have a phone number) When someone shows interest in your services, your timely follow-up shows you care and will set you apart from the competition.
  9. Hone your target demographic:
    1. After analyzing the previous year, has your target demographic changed?
    2. Is there a better way for you to reach them?
    3. Did your ideal client change?
  10. Use your CRM more efficiently.
    1. Sales fail when you do not schedule a follow-up! ALWAYS SCHEDULE A FOLLOW-UP!
    2. How can you get the most out of your contact management system? Do you have a contact management system?
    3. Do you have a process in place to follow up with everyone in your database? Your follow-up strategy is key to your success. 

Cold-Click® Marketing: The Missing X-Factor in Your Marketing Strategy

How will you unlock your potential in 2022? Our trademarked Cold-Click® Marketing Process finds your ideal client quickly. Just give us the keys and let us drive—we will identify prospects who uniquely need what your business has to offer, run a targeted campaign to connect you with those individuals so you can set up an initial meeting. We continually follow up at 30, 60, and 90 days with those who do not respond and those who were uninterested the first time around. Finally, we offer customized one-on-one coaching and support to be sure this established process works for you and your team. 

Flow of Our Cold-Click® Marketing Process:

Check out the image below to get an idea of what our process looks like.

We are committed to helping you start 2022 strong. Schedule an introductory call today to get started with our fully customizable process. Happy New Year!

Here's a tip on our secret sauce...

Are you interested in using the same software we use in our Cold-Click® marketing method? Click on the image below to get started on your free trial! With Octopus and our coaching services, you're well on your way to reaching your business growth goals!