Cold-Click® Blog

5 Tips To Improve Your LinkedIn Profile Now!

Written by Kim Hoffman | August 2, 2020

Why Does Your LinkedIn Profile Matter?

A well-put-together profile will attract more attention, and help establish your credibility before you even have the first conversation with a prospective client. 

Social media is a powerful tool for professional networking, and it all starts with your profile. Simply having a profile by itself usually isn’t enough to close a deal, that’s where our marketing process comes in. But a solid presence on social media shows that you are an established professional who takes their business seriously. Taking a little extra time to enhance your online profile will pay off in the future by making a stellar first impression for you before your first meeting.

5 Steps to Take Your LinkedIn Profile From Good to Great!

  1. Images: Headshot. Should be a high-quality forward-facing professional headshotno selfies! And be sure that your headshot is current. It should be an accurate representation of your professional appearance. Update your professional photos every 2-5 years. Your profile's background image should not detract from your photo. It could be an image file provided by your employer, or simple gradient colors or textures. Just be sure you're using something other than the standard background image provided by LinkedIn to show you've put effort into the appearance of your profile.
  2. Background: Add all relevant work experience, education (continuing education), and volunteer activities. Show that you are an educated, skilled, and well-qualified professional in your field. 
  3. Brag: Be sure to list all awards, honors, any published articles or features, certifications, skills, accreditation, and relevant organizational affiliations. This type of bragging isn't arrogant, it helps to establish your professional credibility.
  4. Be Relatable: Let your connections see who you are because relatability builds genuine relationships. Add personal interests and hobbies to your profile, and post more than just work-related posts to your profile (if allowed by your employer). Candid shots taken from your phone of daily activities make you more human. 
  5. Keep it Current: Anyone who visits your profile will assume that all the information therein is current. Your LinkedIn profile is just as important as a resume or CV. Update any professional changes as they occur. If your position changes, you receive an award or transfer to a new location, be sure your connections are aware. Not only does this bolster your professional standing, but it can help avoid possible misunderstandings in the case that any of your messaging or posting conflicts with information in your profile. 

Header Information: Professional & Specific

Your headline should clearly state your full name, title, and the company you work for. Avoid nicknames and clever titles. LinkedIn is a professional platform, and your profile needs to align with that presence. For example, if your title is "Mechanical Engineer," that is what should be listed, not "Engineering Ninja."

The "About" section of your profile should contain information that is concise and specific. This blurb boils down your entire career into just a few sentences. LinkedIn will often automatically suggest content for you based on the information entered while setting up your profile. But this suggestion is generated based on algorithms rather than written with a human touch. It does not include details of what you may specialize in, or give a statement on your possible vision and goals. This section is your personal statement of who you are what you do and is an important part of your virtual first impression.

Be Relatable & Personable

Something else that is very important to maintain a human connection moving forward is to like, comment, and share your connections’ posts. This shows that the relationships you are establishing are not just one-way. You’re paying attention to, and care about what others have going on. Remember, your personal relatability is priceless when prospecting for new clients (read our post on the importance of relatability).

We all get birthday and work anniversary reminders for our connections on social media. Acknowledge those occasions! And be sure to make your messages personal. Don’t just click a “congrats” or “happy birthday” button. Those automated messages show minimal effort. A customized message shows you care and that you were willing to take a bit more time on their behalf. Something else to keep in mind with maintaining a professional presence on LinkedIn is to avoid using emojis and slang terms in your messaging. Casual communication is better left to other social media platforms.

Be Confident in Your Presence!

Follow the 5 tips listed above and you will have a current, professional, and complete LinkedIn profile that is ready to make a stellar virtual first impression. You will be ready to move forward networking online with confidence. 

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